Appel � communications 18e Colloque International George SandUniversit� de Californie, campus de Santa Barbara 25-27 septembre 2008 |
Le prochain colloque de la George Sand Association prendra comme th�mes de r�flexion les figures et les modes de mise en sc�ne de l��criture, du corps et de l�auteur(e) dans l��uvre sandienne. Vos propositions de communication (en fran�ais ou en anglais), traitant divers aspects de la probl�matique retenue, pourront se regrouper autour des rubriques suivantes :
Les propositions de communication, de 250 � 300 mots, accompagn�es d�une courte bibliographie, seront re�ues jusqu�au 15 f�vrier 2008, par courriel � : [email protected] (� partir de l�hiver 2007) et � [email protected] Organisatrices du colloque : Prof. Catherine Nesci and Dominique Jullien Anne Marcoline,
Ph.D. Candidate Annabelle Rea, Professor of French Emerita Spanish and French Literary Studies Occidental College Los Angeles, CA 90041 Tel. (818) 244-0487 The George Sand Association : |
Call for Papers Eighteenth International George Sand Conference The University of California, at Santa Barbara September 25-27, 2008Writing, Performance and Theatricality in George Sand's WorksWe invite proposals for papers (in French or English) on aspects of the conference theme, including, but not limited to:
Send proposals of 250-300 words, with a brief bibliography, preferably in electronic form, by February 15, 2008, to: E-mail : [email protected] (to be activated in winter 2007) & [email protected] Conference Organizers : Prof. Catherine Nesci and Dominique Jullien Anne Marcoline,
Ph.D. Candidate Annabelle Rea, Professor of French Emerita Spanish and French Literary Studies Occidental College Los Angeles, CA 90041 Tel. (818) 244-0487 The George Sand Association : |